Canal Transportation and Centring Ability of Reciproc and Reciproc Blue With or blue systems in curved root canals with or without prior use of PathFile rotary CBCT, centring ability, glide path, pre-enlargement, reciprocating sin


Cyclic fatigue resistance of HyFlex EDM, Reciproc Blue, WaveOne Gold, and Twisted File Adaptive rotary files under different temperatures and ambient conditions J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects . Summer 2019;13(3):166-171. doi: 10.15171/joddd.2019.026.

HEDM, WOG, RB, and TS instruments were rotated in artificial canals which were made of stainless steel with an inner diameter of 1.5 mm, 45°, and 90° angles of curvatures and a RECIPROC blue is designed to be used as a single instrument. That means that one instrument only is required to prepare a root canal. Simple, but effective: The new RECIPROC® blue file generation combines the ease of the original RECIPROC one file endo c 2021-01-01 · Cyclic fatigue resistances of Hyflex EDM, WaveOne gold, Reciproc blue and 2shape NiTi rotary files in different artificial canals Odontology , 106 ( 2018 ) , pp. 408 - 413 CrossRef View Record in Scopus Google Scholar VDW NiTi Reciproc Blue files 25mm R25 Qty 6. One file endo - VDW Reciproc Blue NiTi Root Canal FilesLength: 25mm 6 x R25Ref: V 04 0252 025 0.. Reciproc Blue R25 . Reciproc Blue R25 files are a new generation of files that combines the simple Reciproc one file endo concept with an improvement in the preparation of the root canal and in the retreatment of fillings.

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Showing all 11 results Showing all 11 results. Back. Shop by brand. 3M (604) 3M Unitek (276) 3M_Unitek (35) Acteon (43) ADE (12) ADM (28) Ainsworth (58) Alan (4) Alphapharm (3) Amcor (1) Angelus VDW Promo Bundle: Silver Reciproc Silver Reciproc Endodontic Motor and Reciproc Blue File Kit Features of the Silver Reciproc: End motor for innovative reciprocating instruments and conventional NiTi rotary systems. Ergonomic design. Easy to navigate menu and clear display. Powered by battery.

Less work steps than continuous rotary files: Chair-side preparation is reduced to a minimum, as the RECIPROC® blue instrument comes pre-sterilized. A root canal can be completely prepared to a greater taper with only one reciprocating instrument.

• Reciproc Blue showed the higher torsional strength overall and higher angular rotation to fracture when compared to ProDesign R (Silva et al., 2018). • RECIPROC Blue NiTi files showed statistically higher cyclic fatigue resistance in artificial canals with 45° and 90° than the Hyflex EDM, WaveOne gold and 2 shape (Özyürek et al., 2018).

WaveOne Gold, ProTaper Gold, Reciproc Blue, Abstract. The aim of the present study was to compare the cyclic fatigue resistances of HyFlex EDM (HEDM), WaveOne Gold (WOG), Reciproc Blue (RB), and 2Shape (TS) NiTi systems having different metallurgic properties. HEDM, WOG, RB, and TS instruments were rotated in artificial canals which were made of stainless steel with an inner diameter of 1.5 Manufacturers claim that novel file designs with modified geometries and expandable profile, asymmetrical rotary motion, the reciprocating movement, and advancements in the thermomechanical treatment of the NITI alloys, such as gold (Waveone Gold®), blue (Reciproc Blue®), and maxwire (XP Endoshaper®) heat-treated files, improve the adaptation of endodontic files to the root canal anatomy while maintaining its original shape [ 9, 10, 11 ]. 2019-03-01 · AIM: This in vitro study was conducted to measure and compare the incidence of dentinal defects caused by (RECIPROC blue, ProTaper Gold, ProTaper NEXT and RECIPROC) nickel titanium (NiTi) rotary instruments.

Background. This study compared the cyclic fatigue resistance, bending resistance and cross-sectional areas of Reciproc Blue (RPC Blue), WaveOne Gold (WOG), and Genius File (GF) NiTi rotary systems. Methods. Forty RPC Blue R25 (25/.08), 40 WOG Primary (25/.07) and 40 GF (25/.04) files were used in the present study. Flexibility of the files was

EdgeFile>WaveOne>Reciproc in terms centering ability Hasheminia JOE 2018. Rotary Path Files Scout RaCe>PathFile. ProGlider > G-File > K-files Paleker JOE 2016. ProGlider > G-File Paleker JOE 2017. Hyflex GPF and G-file > Pathfile at centering Reciproc BLUE Files.

As an RPC file, RPC Blue has an S-shaped cross section, 2 cutting edges, and a noncutting tip. However, RPC Blue files are manufactured by altering the molecular structure through a new heat treatment in order to increase the cyclic fatigue resistance.
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ProGlider > G-File > K-files Paleker JOE 2016. ProGlider > G-File Paleker JOE 2017. Hyflex GPF and G-file > Pathfile at centering (11) revealed that Reciproc Blue R25 files exhibited greater cyclic fatigue resistance than Reciproc R25 files in single curvature canals. The findings of their study are in accordance with the Convincing efficiency Efficiently cutting s-shaped cross-section Provided in sterile blisters for single use the RECIPROC® blue instruments offer a constant cutting efficiency and reduced risks of cross contamination Enabling effective irrigation even in severely curved canals Cyclic fatigue resistance of HyFlex EDM, Reciproc Blue, WaveOne Gold, and Twisted File Adaptive rotary files under different temperatures and ambient conditions J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects .

An innovative heat treatment makes RECIPROC blue particularly flexible to ensure a smoother and safer progression in the canal. VDW Promo Bundle: Silver Reciproc Silver Reciproc Endodontic Motor and Reciproc Blue File Kit Features of the Silver Reciproc: End motor for innovative reciprocating instruments and conventional NiTi rotary systems.
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RECIPROC blue Simply one step ahead Root canal preparation with one instrument only Simplicity Flexibilty Safety Simple, but effective: The new RECIPROC® blue file generation combines the ease of the original RECIPROC one file endo concept with enhanced …

Owing to a revolutionary production process, RECIPROC blue files are more flexible and less fracture-prone than any other files. RECIPROC ®, RECIPROC blue and R-PILOT™ files in combination with the VDW motors VDW.CONNECT Drive ® , VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC , VDW.SILVER RECIPROC ® and RECIPROC ® direct.

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Cyclic Fatigue of Reciproc and Reciproc Blue Nickel‐titanium Reciprocating Files at Different Environmental Temperatures Reciproc Blue (RB; VDW, Munich, Germany) is a single file system designed to be used with reciprocating motion. It is manufactured from an M-wire alloy with special heat treatment. This technology shows increased file flexibility and improved cyclic fatigue resistance . RB file is intended for use in initial treatment and retreatment [14, 16]. Abstract: WaveOne Gold, ProTaper Gold, Reciproc Blue, ProTaper Next, WaveOne and ProTaper files were selected to compare the phase transformation behaviors and mechanical properties of nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary files after gold heat and blue heat treatments. The reverse transformation finishing point temperatures of WaveOne Gold, ProTaper Root canal preparation with RECIPROC blue is easy to learn and easy to teach – with less likelihood of procedural errors* compared to rotary NiTi systems.

RECIPROC. ENDO FILE  Apically extruded debris during root canal instrumentation with Reciproc blue, HyFlex EDM, and XP-endo shaper nickel-titanium files. G Uslu, T Özyürek,  MECHANICAL STRENGTH EVALUATION OF TWO SINGLE FILE instrument, Reciproc Blue, by testing its flexibility and torsion resistance and how they impact the clinical practice. Material fragile portion of the rotary instruments.